Ask: Faith Questions in a Skeptical Age

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We live in a skeptical age. People—especially young people—express doubts about Christian faith. In this thoughtful eight week study Bishop Scott Jones, author of The Wesleyan Way, partners with his son Rev. Arthur Jones, to address hard questions that all of us face when considering faith, religion, and the church. The questions include:

Can only one religion be true?
Why is there suffering and evil?
How can I believe in science and creation?
How can I believe in a God I can’t prove?
Can I trust the Old Testament?
Are marriage, sex, and family life religious issues?
Was Jesus' resurrection real?
Why do Christians disagree about so many things?

The message is strong and clear: Don't let your questions stop you from accepting God's invitation to faith. Engage your doubt, and you may find you are closer to God on the other side.


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